Content Partners LLC

Content Partners is a Los Angeles-based investment company and the worldwide leader in acquiring films, television programming, and related royalties. Since inception, Content Partners has deployed over one billion dollars in this marketplace.

With over 500 studio released films and more than 3,000 hours of television, Content Partners LLC is the leading independent owner of major studio distributed films, television shows, and related participations.


Content Partners is a unique investment fund and asset management company that acquires cash flows arising from intellectual property in film, television, music and other areas of media and entertainment. Content Partners does not develop, finance, or distribute projects in any medium. The Company provides liquidity to institutional investors and individual royalty owners and assumes the future risks and rewards of that ownership.

We also provide financing for the acquisition of media companies when revenue generating television, film and music assets are part of the underlying transaction.

Content Partners was founded in 2005 and is an SEC registered investment advisor. The company is headquartered in Los Angeles, CA.

Target acquisitions include film, television and music royalties that are in profits and have long term distribution deals with major studios, networks, record companies, and other distribution channels.

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Our Team

Founding Members


We purchase backend profit participations from Service Participants and Financial Participants who own backend profit participations in films that have been theatrically released by the major studios, television series that are currently in profits and recorded music.

Service Participants

  • Actors
  • Writers
  • Directors
  • Producers
  • Talent agencies, management companies, and law firms
  • Estates
  • Charitable foundations
  • Production Companies
  • Networks

Financial Participants

  • Banks
  • Investors
  • Financial Institutions
  • Family offices
  • Insurance companies
  • Studios

A straightforward, confidential process

Participants provide Content Partners with contracts, all previous accounting statements, audit reports and projections. We take it from there and present you with a firm offer. We will then arrange completion of the studio assignment.

Hassle-free participation maintenance

We purchase up to 100% of a participation, regardless of your reason for selling. In cases in which we purchase less than 100%, our services include monitoring all future participation statements. This includes commencing audits as necessary, advancing audit and legal costs, employing expert distribution consultants in the audit process, and negotiating audit settlements.

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